Monday, March 30, 2009


After yet another failed trip to the library, and two days of a zoo-like atmosphere in class, I went to our department head for help. Her advice: call every parent, kick'em out when they don't listen, keep working on it. So that's what I did, I spend a few hours on the phone with parents, set up places to send them when they didn't behave, and gave them a fair warning as they walked in. Six kick outs later, my class was like the sea of tranquility for the first time all year. It was lovely!

Today, many of the students with attitude problems attempted to skip class, but I emailed each of their teachers for the following block and wrote them each up for skipping as I got responses.

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job!


  1. that is the same advice my department head gave me....good for you. Hope the last few months continue to be you can start all over again next year!!! =)

  2. Absolutely spot on. Zero tolerance across the board is the best way to go! Hope lessons are going well for you.

  3. Last semester I called home about 5 kids on the third day of school because behavior was so bad. Parents were really supportive, and the kids were shocked. Word spread fast that I called home about behavior and the class settled down. I just love it when parents are supportive. I invite parents to work together with me as a team so that their kids can do their best. Parents want to be part of the team. I call about good news too. Kids are just as shocked.

    Thank's for putting my blog on your Teachers Blogs list.
