Doing better these days. This year has been such a rollercoaster ride! There are so many emotional highs and lows when it comes to teaching in a school like this.
Bookbags must have black holes living inside of them. Everytime I hand out a worksheet, it disappears to the same unknown as planetary dust, meteorids, and even light. I've passed out the same worksheet at least four times to no avail. I should charge a 10 dollar fee for missing worksheets, then maybe I would break even on my bills each month.
It's ironic because my kids are always encouraging me to "go green" on the paper. Much as I would love to delude myself with the idea that my kids are informed and altruistic enough to have this motivation on their own, alas I must face the reality that they really have no concept of what "going green" implies other than what Kanye tells them (which isn't much). The same conciencious young mind that reminds me to pass out less worksheets has no qualms about leaving scads of blank filler paper all over the floor at the end of the day. Sometimes I wonder if I have students or hamsters in here.
I tried to comment yesterday, blasted blogger!!!!!! I have the same problem with my kids. It is so annoying to me that they do their work and NEVER TAKE IT OUT OF THEIR BACKPACK and then wonder why I didn't grade it? Also, about the replacecment copies, I have this issue and a friend and I have started making the kids copy everything by hand if they lose something. Simple, but it can be effective, especially for a repeat offender.